We’ve been providing cloud computing solutions, IT service and support, Cybersecurity, VPS Hosting, Website Hosting and Disaster Recovery for over 25 years - and in this industry ... that’s a lifetime!


7-598 Falconbridge Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, P3A 5K6

Direct: +1 (705) 222 3652
Toll Free: +1 866 961 1805

Locations and Hours

Satellite Offices: Brockville & Newmarket Office Hours: 8:30AM - 5PM EST M-F Sudbury Datacentres: 24x7x365
After Hours Emergency - 24x7x365

Archive for the
‘Risk Assessment’ Category

“The only certain thing about IT security is that nothing is certain.” As organizations rely more on information technology and information systems to do business, the digital risk threat landscape expands, exposing ecosystems to new critical vulnerabilities. Risk assessments are nothing new and whether you like it or not, you are in the risk management […]

Hackers Don’t Sleep. Neither Does vPenTest. If your organization was targeted tomorrow, would you be prepared? Let’s work together and find out. See what a hacker sees on your network before they do.   Aegisys vPenTest is essentially a hacker on a company’s network. It looks for sensitive data, performs exploits, conducts man-in-the-middle attacks, crack […]