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Exchange Migration to M365 Cloud

Home / Exchange Migration to M365 Cloud
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PROJECT: Migrate On Premise Exchange to M365 Cloud

This type of Project is a popular request of Aegisys teams. This case was to provide all services required to ensure a timely transition of MS Exchange mailboxes and Groups are moved to the Microsoft M365 Cloud. As part of this process, Aegisys collaborated with client re the state of their existing email services in health (Patch, security, server, network and end-point clients), and developed a strategic plan to move mailboxes with a minimum disruption to their business.

As part of this process, Aegisys “Security First” approach was paramount in the transition to improve  mail security, M365 subscription plan review for what was best for the enterprise, its deployment including ensuring end points are running latest in M365 apps and applications on PC’s, Laptops and mobile devices.

Two Factor Authentication was vital for our client to ensure day-to-day protections including M365 Cloud protections from the Aegisys SOC (Security Operations Centre).

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